Contacts for current WPSA touring company....
Michael Busch
Writer / Performer
24 years old, Male, cute and cuddly.
Jonathan Chase
Writer / Performer
24, M, looks like Crispin Glover, but can play Huey Lewis.
Anthony Deptula
Writer / Performer
23, M, outgoing and has a 1983 Michael Keaton haircut.
Stephen Hale
Writer / Performer
20, M, works out regularly.
Rasika Mathur
Writer / Performer
26, F, went to same college as NFL Rushing Champ Ricky Williams.
(e-mail)  (WEBSITE)
Eric Moneypenny
Writer / Performer
23, M, tortured introvert and other cliches.
(e-mail)  (WEBSITE)
Elizabeth Rick
Writer / Performer 
25, F, likes helicopters and settling down.
Ryan Arey
24, M, Good Morning America intern.
(e-mail)  (WEBSITE)
Scott Miller
Writer / Stage Manager
24, M, likes coffee
Berger von Olhoffen
23, M, tortured German introvert
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