Here is Interview with Der Blutsturz founder Max Flemmer...taken from the 3.11.03 Berliner Zeitung.  With interview man Tobias Vetter.

How was your first entrance as a Comedian? 
"The first comedian entrance of me was wrote and produced to the secondary school, there as a school review.  Teacher and student, yet in the good belief it breaks classics would see one, marveled not badly when a rapid show the Aula brought for two hours for raging.  Unfortunately this success had no influence on my mathematics censorship." 

Which experience was for you the work for the "der Blutsturz"?
"As a solo cabaret performer it was highly motivated work for me a large joy again once in one ensemble to can.  It is no basic assumption to go with joke at the work and to conclude it with joke - in the sketch show was our joke the motor and that well written sketch the fuel.  The spectators of der Blutsturz are not distracted through humor vehicles usual otherwise as well as thick glasses or jolly hats, but rather become by means of natural game manner of the ensemble (occasionally also with the enthusiasm at the Übertreibung...) in part of this little episode.  The der Blutsturz show is fast, skurril and surprisingly - a mixture, that in time into the television comes." 

Which subjects inspire you most for your Comedy? 
"Actually each subject, that just "on the street lies".  Who goes bus and train, shop and goes into the movie theater or also only bored through the television program zappt, must have long itself only open eyes and ears, for the daily formally after that to be processed to a theater program.  Is there and really a more exciting subject than the person at itself - together and together?" 

How often were you already requested: "tell yet once more joke"? 
"Much too often - then as a Comedian, one does not trust to miss you to set you on a chair without it to open the door, without knocking himself its head or to go simply only over the street, without stumbling spectacularly.  Rather persons approach often on me and want to tell me a joke.  " You have yet also humor - there I have an entirely crazy joke for you - that can tell then yes in your show.  It pleased therefore my wife very"

Where is it jolly in the internet?
"Jolliest all serious meant families websites, that are is us into the large far world the "that our living room" or also " crazy!  Our Martin is would escape now 2 years! (Martin is Max's 4 year-old son)".

In 10 years, der Blutsturz will be where?
On the television zapping with hope, yes.  Also, with hope, an American motion picture, with it like "Monty Python's 'Meaning of Life'" or what is also good to me, "Dude, Where's my Car?" or "That 70's Show". der Blutsturz is the most fun people I work with, and where I have most fun, but if the grouping is not, for our cards, then always I can be Max Flemmer in your nightclub.

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