WPSA's Jonathan Chase has
just finished shooting a National commerical for Eclipse Gum in New York
City. Jonathan has also recently finished shooting an upcoming role
on FOX's Oliver Beane. Neither of these projects would probably
support what we're doing, but congratulations to Jonathan!!!
Also, our Rasika Mathur will be performing all over the place this weekend.
First, she'll be performing at the Jim Coughlin Midnight Stand-Up Hour,
Friday Night (Nov. 7) at Improv Olympic West (6366 Hollywood Blvd).
It's free. Then Saturday at 8pm at Comedy Underground in Santa Monica
(320 Wilshire Blvd.), it's not free. 5 bucks. Then on Sunday
night at 9pm, she's back at ImprovOlympic for Laura Kraft's Extravaganza.
Also 5 bucks.
WPSA's Eric Moneypenny will
be performing stand-up at The Improv in Hollywood on Thursday, November
19th in the The Improv's Best of the New Faces Showcase. However,
please note that he will have the same face at this show that he's always
had. Yowser. The show starts at 8:00pm.
If you're the kind of person
who "knows people", and would like an edited tape of our October 16th show,
contact us at winchesterprep@hotmail.com.
The news section is no longer
Blutsturz DVDs go on sale today.
Please stop "de-pantsing"
the political satirists at the school.
Megan Flannery is dropping
out of school, because she is pregnant.
The student government passed
a resolution by a vote of 34-12 stating that the Mr. Show Season
1 & 2 DVD is very good. Congratulations Mr. Show.
Thanks for coming out to
cheer on the Brilliant Premises, as they defeated the Bremingterry Hacks
by a score of 58-41. Joshua Plant had 16 points, 9 rebounds, and
came up with three sketch ideas during the game. Congratulations
Come on out to the basketball
game against our biggest rivals, the Bremingterry Hacks. The Hacks
sold out when we played there, so come on out and support the WPSA Brilliant
We at the WPSA are utterly
ashamed of the post-show drunken behavior of Stephen Hale, as posted on
the website. Stephen is very funny, but not a role model.
The WPSA touring company
is having their show in Los Angeles, at Improv Olympic tonight at 9:00pm
Pacific Time, so remember, be at Cleese Hall at midnight to watch the live,
closed circuit satellite feed.
You are not allowed to make
out with your writing partner. That means you, Megan Flannery and
Joshua Plant.
Remember, no passing out
of Valentines today for Valentine's Day, but giving someone a card or a
gift as a means of establishing a sketch writing partnership is okay.
Cast members Harvey Korman
and Tim Conway of "The Carol Burnett Show" will be speaking in Cleese Hall
at 6:00pm Wednesday night. The lecture, "Why Pie Fights and Spray
Bottles Weren't As Funny During a War" will be sponsored by The WPSA Giffs
& Gaffs (The Co-Ed Breaking Character Club). Notes will be mandatory.
To whomever has it, please
return Prof. Korb's National Lampoon Radio Hour box set to his office,
Room 121 in Costello.
To all students, Chevy Chase
was insulted dearly by your rude display at the basketball game.
He was very important during the 1970s, even if he is a truly unfortunate
Legendary comedian Chevy
Chase will be appearing at the basketball game against Milford on Tuesday
night. Come out, support the team and meet one of the great minds
of our time, and cheer on the Brilliant Premises!
As a reminder, a few classes
for Winter Quarter are still open if you're interested. "Middle America
is Comprised of Morons: Margaret Cho on TV.", "Rich Little: A Retrospective",
"Office Skits using the Dave Foley Method", and "The Dilbert Dilemna".
Have a safe winter break,
hopefully in your two weeks off, you'll write at least 75 or 80 sketches.
Congratulations to junior
Randall Hardwick for winning this year's Recurring Character-Off.
After duking it out with sophomore Tricia Speaks and senior Jay Browning
for over 2 hours, Hardwick delivered "Vicarious Steak-um Guy" to the delight
of everyone in attendance at Buster P. Keaton Memorial Auditorium.
Please come out and support
your fellow students in the Recurring Character-Off. The three finalists
Jay Browning ("Pen Man", "My Mother in a Bucket", "Zip Loc Bag Dude"),
Tricia Speaks ("Transient Intellectual", "Headphone Plug-In Outlet Leg
Lady", "Valley Girl"), and Randall Hardwick ("Jay Clowning", "Vicarious
Steak-um Guy", "NYC Cabbie, Part III") will be competing for prizes
and respect in Keaton Auditorium at 7:30pm. Immediately following,
alumnus Lehr Jensen ('99) will be previewing his new one-man musical revue
"Benny Hill: An Homage, Do Da Do Da", with the original Oompah Loompahs
as his back-up singers. Admission $17.50 with student ID.
Talk show practice is cancelled
for this evening.
There will be no talk show