"Let It Be"
This one looks sort of like
the 'Let It Be' album cover by The Beatles. It doesn't mean we're
breaking up or anything. It does mean we're the most brilliant thing
in a long time, and possibly bigger than Jesus. |
You can probably figure
out the band who is the inspiration for this artwork. If we mentioned
them by name, their bloody tounged bassist would probably sue us for all
we're worth. This particular piece is a little hacky, but if you
have the means.... |
Good is The Enemy of Great
A collage of pictures from
our April 15th, 2003 show at ImprovOlympic West. The official debut of
our new (tweaked) logo. |
Group Picture II
This is exactly the same
as WPSA Group Picture I, but with one of the members who isn't with us
anymore airbrushed out of it. |
Against the WPSA's Evil Empire
A rare appearance by the
late "Edgar J. Winchester", founder of the WPSA. |
Preparatory's Flying Artwork
(cue "Liberty Bell" by John Philip
This artwork is not exactly Terry Gilliam, but, it does have Alan Thicke
dressed like a king, 1984 NFL Rushing Champion Eric Dickerson, Karl Marx,
and Freddie Mercury on it. |
seen the 1974 film, "The Parallax View"? Well, coming to our show
is a little like the assassin brainwashing film that they show Warren Beatty
in that movie. It's just as artistically impressive, and a little
funnier. |
Group Picture I
This was the group picture
taken in February, a week before the first show. That's not really
funny, it's just a fact. |
Original Splash Page
one that started it all. We found this picture of these trophy holding
lads, and it helped inspire the name and image of the group. |